Start and Maintain a Neighborhood Watch Program

Step 1— Learn About Neighborhood Watch

Talk to neighbors you know personally. Tell your neighbors about the benefits of the program and review the problems in your neighborhood. See if there's interest in forming a Neighborhood Watch group in your area. If there is, contact SDPD for help.

Step 2 - Contact Your Community Relations Officer "CRO"

Contact SDPD area station in your neighborhood and ask to speak with the Community Relations Officer (CRO) who is responsible for Neighborhood Watch. Discuss the crime and disorder problems in your neighborhood with the CRO.

Step 3 - Organize With Your Neighbors

Ask your neighbors who are participating in the program to complete the registration form. Once you have 50% of your neighbors, you can begin planning your Neighborhood Watch Orientation Meeting (NW-OM)

Step 4 - Coordinate and Plan the Neighborhood Watch Orientation Meeting

  • Coordinate your NW-OM with your neighbors and your CRO.
  • Meetings are usually held at a home, school, church, or community center.
  • Send out meeting announcements a few weeks ahead of the date; by email, flyers, or by phone.
  • Send out reminders a few days before the meeting.
  • Prepare an agenda and allow time for questions, answers, and other topics (see "Resources").
  • Provide a copy of the agenda to the CRO one week prior to the meeting.
  • Sign-in sheets for all guests to sign (see "Resources").
  • Consider providing refreshments, such as cookies, coffee, and water.
  • Meeting is one hour — plan accordingly (start and end on time).

Step 5 - The Neighborhood Watch Orientation Meeting

The first meeting is critical in forming a group. All attendees should sign in and introduce themselves. They should also be assured that their personal information will not be given to anyone without their permission. The CRO will cover the topics on the agenda.