Duties of the Neighborhood Watch Captains and Co-Captains

Q) Who selects the Neighborhood Watch captain and co-captain?

A — The NW captain is nominated and selected by the neighbors on the block. The captain then recruits a co-captain; sometimes two co-captains are selected depending on the size and needs of the block.

Q) What is the primary role of the NW captain?

A — Recruit new members, maintain participation contact list, honor keeping confidential information based on sharing permission provided by the NW participants. Keep members informed about area crime and disorder, and serve as the liaison with SDPD. Act as a spokesperson for the group. Collect money for NW signs and posts, and maintain signs. Coordinate annual Neighborhood Watch meeting.

Q) What is the coverage area of responsibility?

A — For Neighborhood Watch to be most effective, we have found that a limit of 30 homes in a group or block is best. The areas can also include neighborhood parks, canyons, etc. We encourage NW captains and co-captains to reach out to friends that live on neighboring blocks to start their own Neighborhood Watch program.

Q) What's the best way to recruit participants for the program?

A — Best practice is to network with neighbors that you personally know and ask them to reach out to a neighbor that they personally know; invitations to join the program should be extended by referral only. Avoid putting random flyers on doors.

Q) Do I have to invite everyone on my street to be part of the Neighborhood Watch program?

A — Not all neighbors will want to participate, and that's okay. It will be up to the discretion of the participating neighbors to invite them into the program.

Q) How much time does it take to be a Neighborhood Watch captain or co-captain?

A — Here's a quick breakdown, learning about the NW program (1-2 hr.), coordinating the initial meeting with neighbors and CRO (2.5 hrs.), NW Orientation Meeting (1 hr.), subsequent meetings once a year planning and actual meeting (2.5 hrs.). Monthly contact (30 min.) if done via email. Other related duties (1 hr. per month). Initial time investment (approximately 5-6 hrs.). Ongoing time investment monthly ( 1.5 hrs.). The monthly time commitment will vary depending on the crime and disorder in your area.