Your Partners in Neighborhood Crime Prevention

Neighborhood Watch is a crime prevention program that enlists the active participation of residents in cooperation with the San Diego Police Department (SDPD) to reduce crime, solve problems, and improve the quality of life in your area. You will get to know your neighbors and learn how to:

  • Recognize neighbors so you know who a stranger is
  • Recognize and report crimes and suspicious activities to the police
  • Protect yourself, your property, and your family
  • Share safety tips and review whom to call and when
  • Share crime prevention tips, alerts, and other information with next-door neighbors

Neighborhood Watch has become one of the most effective means of fighting crime in our communities. Our police depend on us to report what they cannot see. We do this through education, observation, and reporting.

Three women hugging each other in a park.

Does My Neighborhood Have a Program?
Do You Have Neighborhood Watch Signs on Your Street? If so, you may already have a program.
Ask your neighbors if they are aware of a program in your area and tor, and obtain the contact information of the captain.

No Signs on Your Street?
Contact us, and we can check our list to see if there is a coordinator in your area or determine the San Diego Police Division you were in. Contact your specific division and request to speak with The Community Relations Officer.